You’re Not Alone.

Brock Dickerson
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Typically I would sit here at my desk and scavenge a plethora of websites seeking any statistical form of evidence for me to use in my latest attempt get a thought or opinion of mine across to those who shared the same love for the game of basketball as I do. And in the swing of the NBA postseason, this was supposed to be the time of the year where I provided a bulk of content that was fresh and relevant, but it never happened.

It has been quite some time since I have sat down and covered any NBA news or even opened my laptop with the hopes of writing something. It wasn’t because of writers block or the lack possible topics that would suffice as good subjects of a story, it was deeper than that.

My family has a long history of mental health issues that have impacted several of my loved ones of the course of their lives. For the first time in my 21 years of living, I hit a roadblock that I couldn’t overcome or even identify. It was the lowest point I had ever reached in my life and it got to the point where I would get in my car and drive home from work in tears, for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

The longer it went on the more frustrated I became with myself because I couldn’t pinpoint the issue that I was facing and find the solution to the unknown problem. I was filled with self hatred to the point I had snapped on everyone that had looked at me different. I was self conscious about every aspect of my life and it had become alarmingly noticeable that things weren’t okay and hadn’t been for quite some time.

I don’t get a lot of clicks or views on these stories I write so I hope any that ever come across this understand that none of this is for attention.

This is me seeking those who are hurting, who are broken, and who are left to feel hopeless every time they wake up. Things are going to be okay and the most important thing you can do at this time is prioritize your mental health. In the digital world we live in, the otherworldly amount of hate that stems from humanity is so easily accessible and it’s important to disconnect at times and find the beauty in the life you were given. You may not see it now but your presence makes a change in this world. You are the best part of someone else’s day so don’t give up. Don’t lose hope.

If this reaches someone who is battling depression or anxiety or just simply needs someone to talk, feel free to contact me if you feel comfortable. Nobody should have to fight their battles alone.

Contact information

Twitter: brockdickerson0

Instagram: rc.brock




Brock Dickerson

Currently a senior in college at IUPUI! Sports Journalism major! Follow me for NBA articles weekly!